PROJECT: 1BQ, Bishops Quay, Henry Street, Limerick City

Currently Under Construction - Undertaken within a live urban confined site, the project involves the demolition of the former ESB premises and adjacent ancillary buildings. Refurbishment and restoration of the existing Protected Structures, “The Bishop’s Palace” and “The Coach House” to provide apartments and a café/restaurant use. 1BQ will comprise of 110,000 sq ft of office space in a 9-storey office building, 34 luxury apartments, retail space for hospitality businesses and more than 100 underground car parking spaces over 2 levels. Communal and private open spaces will include a roof garden and gym pavilion to the residential building, a landscaped courtyard at podium level. The development will also include surface water attenuation tanks, general plant, a substation, storage areas, shower facilities and refuse management zones at basement level and all related site development and excavation works above and below ground all on a site of 0.4ha approx.